among us imposter guide

among us imposter guide


among us imposter guide

Without any further ado, let's get into the tutorial . As always, I'll have my mouse being captured like a pointed things. So something that you'll see with some newer imposters, some people who are newer to the game is they'll kill someone just kind of outright, where you'll notice more advanced imposters will go into into a salvo. So if I'm going to kill someone over here, upper engine, which is already kind of secluded, because all the way over here rather than near this hallway, because more likely to be seen. And with some visibility issues, you might not actually see someone back here, so but if he was standing where I am right now, right over here, you definitely want to sabko over on the other side of the map. Usually, I wouldn't do comms on just 202 polling everyone's ad been no to to the other side. Or even do electrical force people down there. The concept is to try to get people to the opposite side of the map from where your kill was. So if I'm going to kill someone on shields, I'll do reactor to get people to go to that side of the map. Some advanced crewmates might see through this.

So if I'm in oh two, and I see react or go off, the first place I might go is actually to navigation to see if someone died here and the called the reactor so everyone wants the other side. The reason you'd want to do it this way is there's a few reasons. One, they won't find the body as quickly if they're going to the opposite side of the map, which gives you a chance to not only get your kill cooldown back and get another kill in the same round. But it also allows you to buddy up with another person and have an alibi. Something you'll notice with some weaker imposters is no one's going to see him the whole round. And then they have no alibi. And it's really sauce, maybe they don't vote him out. And immediately they just keep an eye on you. And then either you can't kill or you get caught venting or get caught killing someone. So it's important to try to stick with someone who will end up vouching for you.

Even if it uses some of your time, time is extremely important because you don't want them to get their tasks done. If you can get the trust of someone, so they'll vouch for you, it's monumental and be successful. You don't need it, but it helps a lot. Also, on each map, there's different rooms that are better to tell in and I'll go over a few of them. For example, killing someone in Toms is amazing on this map, just don't call comms as a salvo because you don't want to bring people to the body. So let's let's do that quickly, say the same premises. If you kill someone on this side, you want to do like reactor to get on to the other side. You don't want to kill someone react on you. And then later in the wrap in the round call reactor because you're just bringing people to the body and let us call the body and not have to turn off the reactor. So you don't want to bring people to the area. So cons is good. Just don't call comms. navigation is good. But a lot of people will check there because of how good it is to kill someone.

Especially as the reactor goes off, people might check navigation shortly thereafter, deep in medbay. Because there's no real reasons, there's two tasks here, the scanner and the vials with a lot of people wouldn't come down here. So those are some of the best places to get killed. I mean, maybe electric but the problem is are so many tasks there in someone's life to go in there. Plus, your other imposter might call white, and then bring someone to the body which you wouldn't want to have that happen either. I'm gonna keep going. But I'm gonna move on to a new map so I can show you the rooms on those maps while I go into some more tips also. Alright, so here we are on mirror HQ. This is, in my opinion, the most complicated map especially as imposter. Surely there's a lot of events but you have a problem of alibi if you don't use them correctly. If you're good to stay in the event, the whole round just move around and try to find someone isolated to kill them jump back in the event. No one's gonna know where you were and no one's you make up an alibi.

You might say you were somewhere and someone was there the entire round and then they know it to you. So you have to be careful with events. But for example, if I tell someone in balcony most times I'll set off reactor sometimes I would set off of two or, or lights, but usually reactor for the forces people all the way over here. If I kill someone in Launchpad, usually you don't even really need a salvo. The only one you shouldn't do is oh too, because it brings some it brings people right here. And if anyone has a task at launch pad, they'll follow through and come over here and find the body. It's all really about delaying the crewmates from finding your body so you can get multiple slaughter on around which is huge. You can make a lot of progress very quickly and potentially within a few rounds. If you and your other imposter are able to get multiple slaughter.

Just a general tip not going off of any specific map. When you play as crewmate, you'll act a certain way and you play as a passer you want to act as closely to how you act as crewmate as you can. For example I'm crewmate. I call it IPL in game leader I'm someone who talks a lot I like to figure out where people were ask people ask questions, you know really like almost control the conversation. I'm sure if you think about your group you know the person who likes to do that with a few people who like to do that. I might actually make a tutorial  on the different types of people and among us I think it might be funny, the different types of players but I used to be you know, I used to talk a lot in meetings as crewmate when I was in plaster, I'd be very quiet so people started to realize if I wasn't talking a lot, I was either pissed off which happens or I was imposter.

So regardless, that is voted me out because it's so unlike me to be quiet. So you have to know your own playstyle and then access mode similarly as you can. So if you're someone who talks a lot as crewmate, you're not to talk a lot of imposter or someone who doesn't talk about as chromate you have to not talk a lot as imposter you want to be as similar to crewmate as you possibly can. You don't want to change your play style in terms of your speaking at all. And that'll make it harder for the crewmates to figure out that your imposter another big thing is to go to your fake Taff. These are the tasks you would have had if you're an imposter. So if you go to them, it's not soft, because that's what being would have given you. Because there's a lot of requests for it in my discord and on comments on tutorial s about the common tasks, especially the keyhole task on polis, I will make a tutorial  on that in the near future also go more into it with that tutorial  in terms of common tasks. But just as a general rule of thumb, doing your faith tasks, because you know, I'm the pastor right now I have my fake tasks.

And it'll show you where your fake tasks are. And those are good ones to fake Sure, to me, I can go and fake the computer, the upload, you know, you can say whatever you want, but you haven't careful to try to not fake the same task twice. And to not do a part two of a task without doing part one. So for example, I wouldn't want to go do the plants without doing the watering can because the watering can has to be first flush, just another general thing. Another decent strap on the mirror in my opinion as imposter is to kill someone really wherever and right before you do you activate lights. And then you kill them and you jump into event and you're afraid to office. So let's I think I showed this in another tutorial . So you salvo life, kill them, and then try to get there as quickly as you can. And if you're the first one here, then you just do it, you know. And then people will probably walk in as you're walking out, they'll see that you did it. And then just go about the round as usual.

Maybe you come up and take this, whatever, whatever you see if anyone's in here, but of course it'd be a lot of people in the area because people just all came here so you wouldn't want to kill anyway, because this is a very hot area after you set off lights. So you wouldn't want to kill but you just kind of blend in do whatever, maybe stick with someone to get them to vouch for you. And I guess that leads into another tip of if I set off reactor right now. And everyone goes over here. I wouldn't want to kill someone in locker room or just outside decontamination is everyone's gonna be coming back through shortly afterwards. And then they'll find the body and you don't want them to find the body. The less meetings you're at the better chance you have. That's a good way to think about it. All right, we're gonna move over to Poland. I'll see you guys in a second. All right, so here we are on polis and if you look we have our reactor which is up here on up here and we have our lights here on comms here.

So really, any kill I mean specimens a little bit dangerous with no events, but if you kill someone in admin, you can really set off anything lights or react doesn't really matter or even calms, but most people don't I know some people do people in the comments are telling me they like to SIBO calm. I really have never seen it though, but the people I've played with. So it's you know, some admins decent outside decontamination here and here are decent because then you have vents there's event here on admin. And there's event over here underneath this door symbol in the bathroom near lab and med skin. Automotive to like the room with the water jugs is good. Most of us find you might want to might you might want to do reactor to pull them to the upper part. So they don't come over here quickly. But I feel like on this map, people are more likely to find the bodies because it's smaller has a lot of ways around I guess scales, you could argue the same thing. But this one, there's not too much to talk about. There's only a few sample options.

So there's only a few ways in a few flex admins on the opposite side of electrical and reactor specimen is good if no one's coming, but you have no way of venting away so you might run pass someone who goes and sees the body which is why specimens actually very dangerous to kill someone. If you're an imposter killing someone and specimen can be very dangerous. Because if someone sees you go there from either side and then goes down through you or when you're exiting. If someone comes so let's say I kill someone and going up towards med Bay and someone's coming down, I killed on cool down there on a fire in the body and someone really bad. So specimens dangerous but you could if no one's coming with you have no real way of knowing but whatever. Admins good because your events have meant here to friends here over in Novi Sad time, same thing as it can prevent here brings you out. Killing people over at left reactor isn't bad.

A lot of good crewmates will do it to like, act deactivate the reactor on the right side will after it's turned off. We'll go to the left side and check it to see if anyone died. Potentially if only one person does that you can actually kill the person who came to check if anyone died but sometimes the comments a pair. Just something to keep in mind. There wasn't a lot of moving around in this tutorial , but there was quite a bit of content and quite a bit of tips and tricks for imposter.
