HOW TO Make Perfect Snowboy EVERYTIME in Animal Crossing New Horizons 2022- Account Builder

HOW TO Make Perfect Snowboy EVERYTIME in Animal Crossing New Horizons 2021 - Account Builder

HOW TO Make Perfect Snowboy every time in Animal Crossing New Horizons 2022 - Account Builder

 Welcome to the Account Builder website. I hope you're enjoying playing Animal Crossing: New Horizons   During this time of the year, I'm really excited for the Frosty Season with some cool and new activities, and one of my favorites is to play and have fun in the snow.   In this episode, I will be showing you everything you need to know about Snowboy. Including how to build a perfect Snowboy. That way, you could collect your Frosty Collection and deck out your island. As you're watching, if you found this tutorial helpful, I appreciate a thumbs up. Subscribe for more Animal Crossing: New Horizons episodes like this coming your way.  

Alright, so get let's get started. So, as you can tell I am standing right next to my first Snowboy.  In order for you to encounter Snowboy in the northern hemisphere, it will be starting from December 11th all the way to February 24th. If you're in the southern hemisphere,  you encounter Snowboy from June 11th all the way to August 24th. Also, one of the criteria that you are able to encounter Snowboy is that you must have the island covered in snow. As you could tell my island is all covered in snow. Then you will have to find and combine two snowballs on your island. As you could tell on my island, I have one here, I need to find the other one.  So, it should be close enough around somewhere. Oh wow! It's right here and as you kick it several times, you should be able to roll it and make two sizes for the snowball.   

Alright, so we keep rolling it, keep rolling it to make it as large, oh no! I could see... You see what it is right there, look at that, he's rolling it and rolling it and making it bigger.   So, be careful with the Dung Beetle, you could catch it. And yeah, there you go, I caught it!   We'll have to keep rolling it to make it larger. Keep that in mind that if it breaks when you hit it with any obstacle, like a tree. I'll give you an example here.   It broke or by accident you roll it into the water which can happen right? It will melt and if this happened, what you have to do is just go into a building. In this case, I'm gonna go into my house, and then when you go back out, it will spawn. I'll show you that it is it happened, it worked.  

 Alright, so let's find the two snowballs. Yeah, there you go! One is here, I'm assuming the other one should be buried somewhere with my lovely pumpkins. There you go, right here. In order for you to make a perfect Snowboy, you have to make two perfect sizes. One of them is the body and the other one will be the head. And the body would eventually have to be bigger than the head. So you have to be very careful. Why does that mean I am going to be the body, as large as I can, just keep rolling?   

I think that should be about right. So, I want to see where would I place my new Snowboy. Make sure you know what location it is because Snowboy, once you build it, you will have Snowboy pretty much for four days. It will melt after four days. And this one will be the head, so I will be kicking it until I can keep rolling. You are allowed to make one Snowboy per day. Now, this is the hardest part to get a perfect Snowboy, the head. And remember this part, once the head is the one that you roll into the other snowball and that will be the head. Do not, make sure not to confuse the other side, or else you're going to have a really misproportion of them. 

I also want to show you something that, in case you make the snowball really large, this is almost the same size, and like I mentioned before you have to be slightly smaller. And then you were like, how should I make it smaller? l actually, there's a solution for it. You will bring the snowball all the way to an area, that is not covered with snow and you keep rolling it, eventually will become smaller. I will have to bring it back to close to the body and connect it. And I'll show you a trick that actually worked. I'm gonna stand next to it,  go for the camera, go to the lowest angle. 

You could even zoom in if you like. It has to be as high as halfway up your ears. I always tell you one thing, that be careful when you stand in here and then you do the camera because it will give you a very different angle. You see how it is versus if I will be standing right next to it. So, it will be best to stand right next to it.  Okay, let's try to do it again. You see that it's actually the left side with the body will be larger and then the right side will be the head. It will be as high as half of up to my ears.   

Alright, so let's do it! We will roll this one, which is the head to the body. Yes! We got it, perfect Snow boy here, awesome! Okay, so we're gonna get a reward if you build a perfect Snow boy. It will give you a DIY recipe. Oh, I got a frozen arch, let's go! And also,  Snow boy will give you a large snowflake. Large snowflake, you need it for just one of the materials that you needed to craft all the items for the winter season. Now, if you notice I have my other Snow boy right there and it's a little bit melting but that's okay you are allowed to have multiple Snow boys. 

And if you do not build a  perfect Snowboy, then don't worry just go to the next day and try again. And your best bet is just to follow my instructions very carefully and you'll be able to build a perfect Snowboy.   Every time you get a perfect Snowboy, you get a DIY as I've shown before, and also a large snowflake. Make sure you talk to them every day, it will give you a large snowflake. Note that the first Snowboy that you build will always be the perfect one regardless of the size of snowballs you combine. In my case, my first Snowboy was made with two equally large size Snowballs.   I was so excited and I just kept rolling it so I got into two large sizes, and then I got my first Snowboy.  

Alright, that's all there is to it to how to build a perfect Snowboy in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. I hope you found this episode helpful. Thank you for reading and I'll catch you on the next episode.
