Genshin Impact Primogems | How to get Free Primogems in Genshin Impact

Hey guys, if you like what you're seeing, keep reading this article till the end and I'm gonna teach you exactly how I did it. Alright, in this tutorial, you're going to learn how to get unlimited Primogems in Genshin Impact both in Android and iOS. 

Before we start though, let me show you the amount that I have at the moment. And then I'm going to explain every single step that you need to take. So as you can see here, I have logged in at the same account on both devices. 

How to get Free Primogems in Genshin Impact

How to get Free Primogems in Genshin Impact

 I have zero primal gems here. But that's going to change throughout this tutorial. And let me show you how to get more. To get them you need to change a couple of settings on your device. And I'm going to show you them firstly on iOS and then on Android. 

So if you are on iPhone, you need to make sure that your other edition is turned off just like this. Now if you are, if you've turned out this enough, then you need to go to Settings, then go to general settings and then find the background app refresh and make sure that background app refresh is turned on. 

As you can see here for me, it's on already, but if it's offered, if it says background prefetch off, then you need to tap on it and then tap on my mobile data to turn it on. So this is all the settings that you need to change on your iOS device. 

After we're done with them, open your browser and go to this website, which is gashing dot apps in dot life. So is the website that you need to go . Now I'm not going to show you the rest of the steps here. 

But I'm going to head over to the Android device and show you the settings that we need to change there. And then we will learn how to get all the free primal gems on my Android. And the steps are the same both Android and iOS.

 But before we actually do them, let me show you the settings that you need to change on your Android device. So if you are on Android, go to settings and then you need to find the auto rotation settings. So go to display settings over here.

 And then once you are under display settings, scroll down until you find the ultra rotation feature over here and make sure that is turned off. So if you have auto-rotation on, you need to turn it off and I'm going to show you how as you can see here for me it's off already but if it's on for you turn it off the same way as I did right now. 

So once you're done with the setting, that's the only setting that you need to change on the drawing. After that you need to open your browser and go to this website, which I showed you earlier.

 So the website is glensheen dot apps in dot life so again, sheen dot Epson dot live is the website that you need to go. And the steps from now until the end are the same both in Android and in iOS. 

So this is why I have decided to show them to you on Android but if you are on iOS, there are the same steps. Now firstly you need to enter your username and I'm going to enter mine real quick. 

After entering the username you need to choose the platform you're playing the game on or the platform you're accessing this website from in my case is going to be Android but you can choose iOS as well.

 Alright, so do you need to tap on the Enable encryption to hide yourself from the servers and everything, you need to tap on the connect button to connect your account with this server,

 which is going to give you all the primal gems on your kenshin impact account. Now here we are, once you have connected your account, you're going to need to enter the number of primal gems that you want. I'm going to do that right now.

 And I'm going to show you how to do it as well, you need to scroll down until you find this tab over here. And then you need to choose the number of primal gems that you want to add and it's going to be anything from 1000 to 99,000. 

Now I'm going to add 10,000 as a test for this account, but you can add more or less if you want. Once you've entered them you need to tap on the Generate button and it's gonna start adding the private gems to your account. 

Now sometimes it might ask you to complete a very short verification step, which requires two to five minutes, and then once you complete the verification step, only then you'll be able to get the primal gems, but that does not happen all the time.

But if it does happen, simply go ahead and complete the version verification, and then you're gonna get all the primal gems added to your game. So this is all you need to do to get the primal gems on your account.

Now what I'm going to do next is that I'm going to open my gelegen impact game just for us to see if I'm gonna get the primal gems on my account or not. So here we are. I'm starting to do that right now. 

So it's going to take just a few more seconds, and then we're going to learn together. And it's going to be very, very easy. Let me just start the game. And we're going to see if I'm going to get any primal gems on my account or not now I'm sure it's going to happen.

But just for the sake of this tutorial, I'm simply going to open the game for us to check it out together. And it takes a few seconds for this game to load. So simply wait with me until it loads and then we're going to get everything on our account. 

Alright, so while we wait, let me just tell you one more time how to do it. So go to glensheen dot absent dot life and once you are on the website, you need to simply enter your username, the one that you've used to create your account or sometimes you might enter even your game email. 

And once you enter your username, you need to connect your account then add the number of primal gems that you want to complete the virtual verification. And once you're done with all of these, you're going to get Every single primal jam added on your account and I'm going to show you all these user stories, this is going to work and I'm going to get them on my account. 

So we're simply going to wait together and see what is going to happen next. So here we are, I'm in the game, let me just go in the shop for us to see together. And as you can see here, I still have zero primal gems, but hopefully, that's gonna change really soon. 

So let's just wait together. And as you can see here, I'm having all the primal jobs added to my game, and it is fully working for me. So that means that it's going to work for you as well. 

So what I'm going to do next is that I'm going to go back to my account on my iOS device as well just for us to see if I have the primal chance on both devices. And it's not only a local thing so as you can see here, I have the primal gems on iOS as well. 

So guys, thanks for reading, have a good day, and enjoy all the free primer gems on your own account. Don't forget to like and follow for more tutorials.
