Recover Gmail Account – Add Phone Number in Recover Gmail Account
recover Gmail account - Add phone number in recover Gmail account. How to add recover Gmail account Mobile Number and Recovery Email to your Google recover Gmail account / Gmail Account? In today's article, we will practice this.
recover Gmail accountSo I have received various comments and emails since I started this blog where people have asked me that,
"I forgot my Google / Gmail password", how do I recover now?
So remember, there is only one way to recover a forgotten Gmail account .
That is, to be registered in your Google account recovery email address Or recovery phone number Through this.
Now, if you added a recovery mobile number or email when you created your Google Account,
Then of course you don't have to worry if you forget your Google account password.
However, if your Google Account does not have a recovery email or mobile number,
Then of course you can add a recovery email or mobile number by following the procedure given below.
If you forget your Gmail password in the future, you have no way to recover your account.
he benefit of adding a recovery phone number and email to a Google Account For recover Gmail account
There are two main benefits to using recovery options in your Google account.
You see, everyone knows that recovery service and email adding service comes in handy if you forget your password.
When you forget your Gmail account password,
Then from Gmail's login page "Forget password You have to click on the option.
In this, a verification code is sent to your recovery phone or email which after giving correctly,
You are given the option to change the password with the new password for your Google account.
In addition, you can use Google account recovery options to keep your Google / Gmail account completely secure.
This means that no hacker or other person can access / login your account illegally in any way.
See, you are yours Google account settings You will find a special option called "Two-Step Verification“.
After enabling this option,
Every time you try to login to your Gmail or Google Account from a new computer or mobile,
At that time a verification code will come in the recovery phone number or email number given by you.
And, without this verification code, it is never possible to login to your Gmail account.
Also, every time you successfully login to your Google Account,
Google will send a notification in your recovery email address.
However, in this case, it is important to have a recovery email and phone number in your Google account first.
If you understand, how much is the benefit of adding recovery email and phone to your Google account.
Come on, we don't know now. "How do I add a recovery email / phone number to my Google Account?” or recover Gmail account - Add phone number in recover Gmail account.
How do I add a recovery email to my Google Account?
Below I have told you step by step how to add recovery email to your Gmail account.
Step 1. First of all you own web browser Visit from
Stop 2. Now stay on the donation side of your Gmail account dashboard. profile icon Click in.
Step 3. Now you manage your google account You will see a link where you have to click.
Step 4. Now you have your own "Google account dashboard page You will see.
Step 5. “Account Dashboard Of you Security ”Option or link where to click.
Step 6. Now in the Security page you can “Ways we can verify it's you You can see the text below. Recovery phone "And "recovery email You will see the options. recover Gmail account.
Step 6. Since we are now talking about the process of adding recovery email, we Recovery email I will click on the option.
Step 6. Now you have your own Gmail account password Will have to pay once again.
Step 9. Straight now Add Recovery Email Click on the option and set a recovery email for your Google account.
Step 10. At the end Done Click on the option. The recovery email will be successfully added to your Google account.
Then you understand how straightforward and easy it was to add recovery email.
You can do this whole process from your smartphone.
How do I add a recovery phone number to my Google Account? for recover Gmail account
You may have noticed from the above process of adding email to Google account that,
In case of Account Recovery, the process of adding Email and mobile number is the same.
- Using the complete process above, you”.
- Then, in the Security tab, click on “Ways we can verify it's you Underwritings Recovery phone Click on it.
- Now again you have to enter the password of your Google account.
- Now you will see a page where “add recovery phone ”Will have an option / link where to click.
- This time one pop-up windows Will come where you will be asked to give a mobile number.
- Directly below with the phone number "next Click on the link.
- After clicking on the Next link, you have to send a verification code to the given mobile number and for which “Get code Click on the link.
- Now a verification code will come from Google to your given mobile number, which you have to enter in this verification page and click on “verify” button.
- Now a recovery phone number has been added to your Google / Gmail account.
This way you can add recovery details to your Google account later “2-step verification” You can take advantage of it.
This greatly reduces the chances of your account being hacked.
Moreover, if you forget your Google Account password, you can easily recover your account.
So friends, today we learned "How to add verification email and phone in Google account“. or recover Gmail account - Add phone number in recover Gmail account .
I hope you have understood the article in time.
Moreover, if you want to add recovery phone or email from mobile,
Then of course you can use this same process. Using Google chrome browser on mobile can make the whole process easier.
Finally, if you liked our article today, be sure to share it.