Hutao Will Bury You! F2P And P2W Build Guide


Hutao Will Bury You! F2P And P2W Build Guide

Hutao Will Bury You! F2P And P2W Build Guide

what's up guys it's your boy dam on and welcome back to another gentian impact tutorail  after running around a ton with hutao testing her out playing with a ton of different weapons and really seeing where she kind of fits in uh we're going to talk about a ton of things today from ranging from the strengths of weaknesses different types of builds weapons talent order level constellations and a few closing thoughts the idea is to get you everything you need to know or at least a general idea of what to do with your hutow or if you're still on the fence about hutau you can utilize this tutorial to decide if you're going to summon or not so now that we got that out of the way let's go ahead and get into it the first thing we're going to be talking about is hutao strengths i will say that naturally she's a pyro hero so that's going to give her some opportunities over other heroes and she has the ability to deal tons of damage as you guys have probably already seen in other tutorial that are popping up all over the place just due to the fact that her multipliers are pretty awesome and  ( If You Can't Understand Please see the under article or video)

if you're creating elemental reactions she can hit pretty hard another strength that she has is since she ultimately scales off of hp her survivability rating goes up quite considerably especially since she can heal herself her self-sustain is really really nice i think she's a overall strong character that can pretty much fit in any team and you can build most teams around her quite easily however when we get into one of her weaknesses one of the things that kind of bothered me the most was the delay between utilizing her e ability or when she activates her fire mode and the transition between the old i feel like there could they could have made it to where her elemental mode lasted like three more seconds and it would have made all of the difference however this weakness can be offset simply by swapping to other heroes but i still felt like it was kind of off rhythm utilizing this hero but in another sense i understand because she is kind of ridiculous now as we get into damage builds and support builds if you guys are trying to figure out this character is pretty open-ended i mean you can pretty much run her on anything we tested a bunch of different builds we tested gladiator we tested bolide hydro crimson witch and there's so many ways that you could run this particular hero so i'm going to say that whether you're running lava walker or not it's not really going to be as important as what artifacts that you're going to be using as it is what primary stats you're going to be utilizing now as we get into builds for me personally i've been finding the most success utilizing staff of homo with a full hp build 

so this is just what i've been playing with just running hp percent hp percent hp percent on my character and that is the totality of my build a lot of people like yo d how you getting 5k attack how you getting almost 50 000 hp and that's the build that i've been running however i think that if you're running a different weapon let's say you're running like jade spear or you're running uh pretty much any other weapon i'm thinking that a crit damage helmet if you have enough crit is going to be the way to go or a crit rate helmet if you're just trying to just maximize the damage you have alongside a pyro bonus damage cup with a hp sands is probably going to be the way to go if you do not have staff of home some other build options include hp hp crit damage or you can run hp hp crit rate hp hp pyro damage the idea here is that you're gonna want to get hootout to the point where she has as much hp as possible as much crit rate as much crit damage as possible and then everything else is just a bonus including energy recharge and attack percent the idea here is that you're going to want to maximize her build to ensure that she gets as much attack power as possible which brings me to the weapons when we talk about the weapons her weapons are really what either makes or breaks her build and even though she's quite open with artifacts and you know whatever you intend on building on her or whatever you happen to have 

the weapons are kind of what gets the potential here with hutao which is unfortunate that's not to say that she's not good uh we tested her on a three-star spear the black tassel although i wish i could add a white tassel but unfortunately there's no more chest for me to open up at least i think anyway but we tested on black tassel with a three star spear week and there's been a lot of tests on like death march and all that other stuff and four star spears and all that that indicate that she can still deal a lot of damage on regardless of the weapon the key thing though when you're looking at your weapons is you're going to want to pay attention to what the attack power of the weapon is because when we look at who town how her damage is going to scale is based off of her base attack so her base attack is her base attack plus whatever weapon attack you have so this is why having like a level 90 weapon here is going to be important because this is going to allow you to get a high base value and then that's going to determine what your maximum attack can be so this is where when you look at if you guys have a five star spear like primordial jade or pretty much any five star spear for that matter with a high base attack this is going to allow you to get more of a bonus from getting your hp as high as you possibly can and this in turn with the way that you build her is going to allow you to deal insane amounts of damage especially if you're using characters like bennett or mona alongside with her now in terms of talent order level this is probably one of the most popular questions that i've been asked and in terms of the talent order level it's really just going to be everything right her basic attack and here

 are really really important naturally her e because that's what you're going to spend most of your time primarily doing however her ultimate is also important because it gives you self sustain and the damage multipliers on her ultimate are really nice as well so this is not something that you're going to really slouch on any of these stats so i would advise just kind of leveling all of these equally if you have the opportunity in terms of her constellations i think she gets the most bang for her buck on c1 and c2 granted obviously you know getting the extra skill levels at c3 and c5 are really awesome c4 is just more team oriented so it's kind of whatever and i think that c6 although cool is really just a parlor trick so if you're looking for maximum dps then c1 and c2 i think is going to be the thing we did a test on stream where our blood blossom damage with crit did 10 000 damage before we used c2 once we activated c2 that 10k became 20k damage it was very apparent that that that constellation 2 had a very significant impact on her dps now of course like i said with constellation 3 and 5 with the 3 extra levels is going to be a significant difference in your damage output but that's ultimately going to depend on you if you want to go that far again i think that c1 and c2 are the safest constellations to start at and then the other four are just for personal preference like if you really enjoy the hero or you're just trying to max out your collection all in all i think that hutao is a very strong hero i think she's very very versatile but one of the things i do want you guys to be aware of due to the fact that she's just a pure dps i do feel like she's not a must-have hero she is great she's gonna deal a ton of damage i guarantee you that especially if you build her properly 

with all one-trick ponies and dps heroes whose primary focus is burst damage they are easily replaced by future heroes content and updates so with this this is going to be again a personal preference if you enjoy the hero then go for it if you're on the fence about the hero and you're not for sure if you need another damage or not then this is definitely a save as damage heroes will come out a dime a dozen especially over the course of the next year so with that being said guys that's all i wanted to cover today if you guys got any questions comments concerns definitely let me know in the comment box below and i'd be happy to assist and we will see you guys in the next tutorial peace you.

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