Rosaria Skills, Builds, Talents - Intial Thoughts


Rosaria Skills, Builds, Talents - Intial Thoughts

Rosaria Skills, Builds, Talents - Intial Thoughts

what's up guys it's your boy damon and welcome back to another gentian impact video today we're going to be talking about rosaria uh keep in mind that these stats obviously can and could change being that rosaria is not even out yet so at this point we're just speculating shout out to honey impact the source of this information uh we won't be showing any scale animations as you guys have already seen them all right so we're just going to be talking about my initial thoughts on this particular hero uh to be frank i think that rosaria is a lot of fun uh where she looks like she could be a lot of fun and she looks like she pairs very very well with hutau and  ( If You Can't Understand Please see the under article or video) 

coincidentally of course they would release a character that increases crit rate especially after they just released a character who tell who typically has lower crit rate right uh just because the situation is set up unless you guys are running a crit rate helmet uh but naturally it makes sense that she would put uh that or excuse me that mihoya would put out a character uh that actually compliments hutao this well and of course put her with child so for those of you guys who don't know um rosaria is basically a vampire that's going to be coming against an impact here a little bit shortly right after venti banner for 1.4 she's going to be with child on child's banner so she'll be here in about four and a half weeks uh if you guys are looking to summon you're basically going to  ( If You Can't Understand Please see the under article or video) 

have to summon for child to get her unless you guys want to wait because the four stars in this game are just added directly to the standard banner anyway so you guys should be good to go even if you guys decide to skip all through 1.4 which could save you guys a lot of money but that's the topic for a different video now anyway guys uh let's go to get into this um she's a four-star poll arm user nothing too crazy here on the attacks um her e she's able to teleport to enemies basically or teleport behind enemies however it doesn't work on larger enemies so smaller enemies you can still get this in uh the (Rosaria Skills, Builds, Talents - Intial Thoughts)

skill damage multipliers are okay uh nothing too crazy the extra damage here is what's really gonna help and the cooldown is very low with six seconds so you're going to be able to use this quite frequently um i think this is going to be very useful uh if you're comboing with again pyro heroes for melt comps or if you're making you know freeze comps or whatever i think this could definitely be good especially with the character like shincho or of course huta or any other fire hero for that matter now once we get into this alt um and taking her constellations into consideration i'm going to talk about her constellations a little bit more freely just due to the fact that she's a four-star and 

i think it's quite probable that you guys will get more than one of rosario okay so with this when we get into her ult as well uh her old last for a grand total of eight seconds uh the cooldown is 15 seconds so disturbingly so it seems like you're waiting a very long time before you can utilize this alt again because you got quite a bit of delay in between with the seven seconds it's gonna sort of feel like uh who tells e a little bit uh between the old but but because she can utilize her e quite frequently i think you can more than make up for this uh in the process now because of that um i think there's going to be an interesting way that you can build her um i think she's either going to be really good on physical bonus damage or i think she's going to be really good on cryo bonus damage as (Rosaria Skills, Builds, Talents - Intial Thoughts)

well and i think you really have the option as to what you're going to do because her alt is pulsating and especially once you get into the constellations with the increased time i think that you'll be able to utilize her either way so you can use it as a support where you're just pulsing with the old and then you just chain into the actual character that you're going to be using so let's say you drop her ultimate here and then you switch to hutau or whatever fire hero you're using um or if you're using her as a primary um then you can use it that way as well so if you're focusing on the old i think that cryo bonus damage is going to be the way to go if you're just using her as primary dps i think physical damage will be the way to go there but i do think that she's very very versatile and the fact that 

you can kind of use her however now unfortunately the catch is that her ascension materials look like they're going to be the same materials as genu so if you guys already have getting you you're gonna have to decide which one you want it to be um which sucks but you know it kind of is what it is now when we get into her passive talents rosario strikes an opponent her crit rate is increased by 12 for five seconds which is nice um her casting rights determination increases uh the crit rate of all party members except rosario herself by 15 of rosario's crit rate for 10 seconds so if she's got a 100 crit you get 

15 crit all the way across the board for your characters this is gonna make it a little bit tough especially if you got low crit on rosaria but it seems like the primary focus on rosaria is going to be to get her crit rate as high as you can um in order for your teammates to benefit from as much crit as possible now night walk i just kind of skipped over this just increased move speed while you guys are you know running around at night time but nothing too crazy now the cool thing is when we get into in holy revelation uh when rosaria deals the crit her 

attack speed is increased by 10 percent and normal attack damage increases by 10 for four seconds um this is actually really really good in terms of just her overall damage output especially if you guys are running on a fizz damn build and then when we get into her second one it increases her uh her ultimate time by four seconds which really makes it nice because it's damn near almost permanent that means it leaves you with only three second downtime and if you're recharging your energy fast enough then you can pretty much old spam which is really good especially for comboing with any 

other fire heroes that you intend to use now again we're just going to skip over the skill ups here um and then when we look at painful grace her c4 ravaging confessions crit hits regenerate five energy uh again once you have this i mean you're pretty much gonna have all the time um and at that point that's when it's really up to you like yo uh am i gonna use rosaria as a support or is she gonna be my primary or is she gonna be a mixture of both and that's where she's pretty much going to fall in and then of course this nice one here with the physical resistance by 20 percent uh reduction on enemies whenever she uses her oat is pretty good this is just a raw dps output especially if you're just again using her for support to maximize the dps of let's say your hutow or whatever right so

 so all in all like first glance you know just quick thoughts i think she's a pretty versatile hero in terms of gear sets i'm thinking probably the cryo set if you're trying to get the easy crit or potentially even gladiator you might even be able to get away with the hydro set um but it's seeming like a lot of the characters that they've been releasing as of late are just characters you pretty much can get away with anything of course this is going to take a little bit of testing uh to see what gear sets are going to be most optimal for her potentially maybe even a noble sub lodge i don't know but we'll have to really 

play with it and it's ultimately just going to depend on whether you run with like fizz damn or you end up going with cryo bonus damage and i think you guys have a lot of fun with this i really like our ultimate animation i think it's pretty cool um and i think there's a lot of stuff that you guys will be able to accomplish with this character i'm really curious to see how these elements or like these characters that we're getting now are going to play into play into using dendro heroes later so i don't know i don't know 1.5 uh or 1.6 or whenever these dendro heroes come i really really has me on edge and i'm kind of curious to see how it's all gonna play out but anyway guys uh let me know what you guys 

think about this particular hero in the comment box i just wanted to take a little bit of time and kind of talk about my initial thoughts on this we'll take more of a deep dive as we get closer to her coming out but since she's not gonna be out for like five weeks four and a half five weeks um i'm not gonna get too crazy in this but i am pretty excited to test her so with that being said guys thank you guys so much for tuning in as always it's your boy dam on and we will see you guys in the next tutorial peace.

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See Our Next Tutorial: Don't Summon Venti, Childe, Or Rosaria...Yet
