Venti Or Childe? Which One Should You Summon? Genshin Impact

Venti Or Childe Which One Should You Summon Genshin Impact

Venti Or Childe? Which One Should You Summon? Genshin Impact

what's up guys it's your boy damon and welcome back to another gentian impact video today i wanted to address the elephant in the room um and that that my friends is going to be venti and child so apparently with this it looks like vintay and child are going to be coming back um which means that you know as i told you guys before they're going to be controlling the meta and the way that the game flows up with the weapons of course as you guys saw and i talked about in the article the other bow is going to be absolutely crazy especially for venti uh but  ( If You Can't Understand Please see the under article or video) 

 i know a lot of you guys have questions as to whether or not you should you know summon for these characters go ham for these characters and the big thing with these characters is if you like them go for them i mean that's just pretty much what it is but always understand that power creep is always going to be a thing and this is why i definitely recommend only summoning for the heroes that you like especially since now they're going to be rerunning these banners over and over again basically for or probably until the end of time so with that um again some of the heroes that you like don't worry about what anybody else has to say about it right now now that we've said that a small little ( If You Can't Understand Please see the under article or video) 

 disclaimer out of the way uh the big thing here is these are two different characters and whether or not you're going to want to summon for these characters is ultimately going to depend on your kit now i will say right out of the gate that child goes very well with hutao okay and child's going to work very well with rosaria who's also upcoming unfortunately rosaria is going to be on child's banner so we have to wait another five weeks before we see a new character now for those of you guys who don't have either one of these characters or you guys have just started the game you're probably really excited about these characters because they're new for you however in terms of overall utility

 i think that venti is probably going to be the safest summon for you just mainly because venti operates more as like a support category and you can utilize them to do a number of things now for those of you guys who don't know how vinti works he just basically i mean you guys have seen the venti videos he just you know puts a little whirlwind in there and boom you know lights the whole sky on fire not really on fire but you know with wind right just like that so in terms of support i think that venti has ( If You Can't Understand Please see the under article or video) 

a lot of scalability and i think that in the grand scheme of things i think that the archons in this game are probably the safest to summon right so if you did nothing else but summon only the archons whenever they release a new region every year or every seven months or whatever their timeline is i think that this would be the safest thing for you okay again taking the consideration that you actually like the character now am i gonna say that you're gonna have to go ham and you know go constellation six on vinc i (Venti Or Childe? Which One Should You Summon? Genshin Impact)

absolutely not venti is actually my only czero hero because i only use him specifically for his old um you know he's one of those heroes that you don't necessarily really need to level he doesn't need the craziest gear i've had the student on the string list for the longest time and he does exactly what he needs to do very very easy to use character very very safe investment i think uh just in terms of how the character is going to scale and like i said in since they're pretty much controlling the game with the weapons uh you could just stay on top of the weapons if you choose to do so although 

i don't recommend it because the weapon banner is an absolute rip-off um but uh vinty i think will stay relevant for who knows how long he'll until basically venti 2.0 comes out all right so that's going to be the thing with that now in terms of child um child was pretty much already phased out all right uh he came out uh he was like one of the first characters that came out everybody was was kind of you know on the fence about like uh i don't know and then he ended up doing a lot of dps and people really liked child's play style because of the fact that that child could basically you know e and then you know he became like a melee attacker even though he used the bow and then 

with his melee attacks he uh you know transition into cool combos and stuff like that right um if you guys want more information on child as the should you summon i put a i'll put the should you summon child video at the end of this that i made a little while ago when he first came out but again the problem with dps style characters is although as cool as they are they are phased out very very quickly um and you we saw that like everybody was so hyped about child and then gen you came out and then all that we knew is ganyu right and same thing rinse repeat with hutao and now everybody's you know was all the craze now i'm not saying that you can't put all these characters together right because again your child plus hutow makes an insane combination but the thing is is like as (Venti Or Childe? Which One Should You Summon? Genshin Impact)

 a dps character if your only primary purpose in life is to deal damage um you're easily replaced because that's gonna be 90 of the characters that are released to this game so the big thing here is if you guys are thinking about summoning child this is going to be to fill a role that you need to fill so if you're looking for that hydro damage and you're unable to pull like shincho or you just don't like xing cho because the shorts are too small and you want a guy that actually wears pants then child could be the one for you 

so the key thing here that you guys got to ask yourself when picking any of these characters again since there's no rush because they're just going to be rerunning these characters for infinity and beyond is what do you need in your box um are you struggling with certain abyss floors um where you need somebody to gather those small mobs aka 11 2 or any other situation where you need to gather multiple mobs and you want to kind of make life easy mode with the small mob control then vintage could be the one for you i use vinty in a lot of my speed runs just because he makes life really really easy

 in terms of gathering those small troublesome mobs and then the other question is are you farming fire gear for hotel because if you're farming fire gear for who's out then child is a beast in the fire dungeon he makes that he trivializes that whole thing so if you guys need pyro gear this is probably your dude if you don't have malnourishing cho so again guys it's ultimately just going to depend on your personal preference with these characters and then again looking side by side i think that venti has the longer term um survivability in terms of relevance in the meta just because again he's a support and 

you can use him in a whole lot of situations versus child is very very specific you're going to be using them purely as a dps in very specific situations right so that's uh really what i wanted to talk about here just today between these two we'll be having other conversations uh specifically about like venti's uh weapon but to be honest like if you guys have both child and vinty already i would probably just save um i mean unless you guys are going specifically for uh zarya of course then you guys will be summoning on child spanner obviously for rosario so that'll be fun for you guys but again remember that rosaria is gonna end up being on the standard banner anyway so again guys 

big thing is remember that mihoyo is trying to get the money all right so um it seems you know and i was afraid of this like i said before they're going to be controlling the meta with the weapons so when you look at these characters whether whichever one you want uh understand that even if they're not as relevant or not as strong or kind of right where you want them to be that could literally change at the drop of a dime with the release of a new weapon with new effects so again use your own discretion when selecting these heroes always always always go for the hero that you actually like 

not the one that everybody says that you should summon because both of these characters are strong and like i said their roles are just completely different one's a dps one's a support although they both can dps don't get me wrong um but again look at what you need in your box and then decide from there so with that being said guys a solid want to cover today uh let me know in the comment box which which of these heroes are

 you going to go for are you going for venti you're going for child you're going for both let me know that in the comments but with that being said guys thank you guys so much for tuning in as always it's your boy dim on and we will see you guys in the next tutorial peace.

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