Don't Summon Venti, Childe, Or Rosaria...Yet

Don't Summon Venti, Childe, Or Rosaria...Yet

Don't Summon Venti, Childe, Or Rosaria...Yet

What's up guys it's your boy damon and welcome back to another gibson impact this tutorail uh listen guys um i want to take a little bit of time and talk to you guys about all the events that are going to be happening and why you probably shouldn't summon um until a couple of key things happen and we'll talk about those uh today so as you guys know um you know we got vinci coming up we got tartalia coming up our child you know they're gonna be coming and then also rosaria and

i know a lot of you guys are like really really like really really hyped to see these characters and you guys probably want to summon and stuff um but here's the thing um if there's only going to be two characters and there's not going to be a third banner that means these banners are going to last about three weeks all right so with that like instead of rushing in um before you summons especially because like honestly guys this is probably the biggest time to save your money and

your resources especially since 1.4 is super filler anyway um i know rosaria i hear you but it's like she's gonna be available on the banners anyway but if you guys are dead set on summoning um i think that what you should do is since the data mines and all that other stuff and all the leaks and everything normally come out you know between one to two weeks into um the actual update itself 

i think you might be in a better position to just wait um before you just you know rush off and try to summon right because what will happen is this um from what i understand from the leaks and stuff or data mines previous right that 1.5 and 1.6 is kind of like the next big major uptick in content um and then of course you know it's supposedly we're supposed to get in a zoom after that but if it's true like 1.5 1.6 and you know looking at how they're structuring the weapon banners and stuff right now like new weapon and

then two characters old characters um or maybe a new and an old character that both share the same weapon then that means that we could see a new weapon like for instance if shen lead they decide to release shenle because shenley is part of the story we got a new cry of claymore that means that for those of you guys who are waiting for de luke shenley and duluth could come right with the new claymore does that make sense and then they could rerun clee with a new catalyst hero new catalyst hero plus old klee plus you know again new weapon um and if that's the pattern that they're gonna

 follow with the three week iterations then i think it would be the smartest uh to just again wait until the data mines come out so you know 1.4 comes out instead of going super ham for venti or whatever you just wait a week or two for the data mines to pop up right because then that still leaves you a week of venti and then you have transition into child then it also gives you a better idea of whether you're whether or not you should even summon for tartalia because there could be another hero coming out shortly after tartalia that could be a like a brand new hero not just a rerun um with

you know a new weapon so i know look i know vinty's crazy i know he's op i know child's pretty dope too but the reality of it is is power creep right now especially since we're in a transition state it's kind of rough so i think the safest way to tackle this is really just to hold off like a week or two um after the 1.4 update launches so you guys get at least a little bit more information so you can decide whether or not you're going to invest your resources up front or not i was thinking about this yesterday because we were talking about it on stream but i wanted to make sure that if you guys weren't thinking about this 

you guys were just counting down the days to venti or counting down the days to childhood rosaria um that you definitely take this into consideration before you pull the trigger because this could save you some resources because i would hate for you guys to go all in on like venti or child or try to get rosaria right because you know that's kind of fickle as well and then boom right afterwards we got like a double new hero banner or 

something like that um and then you guys like well damn i just used all my resources so again information is key here and normally the data mines happen within a week or two after the actual update itself and then that'll put you guys in a position to really be like okay cool I'm ready to go or i'm just gonna wait alright so anyway guys that's all i wanted to cover today just a quick tutorial  if you guys got any questions comments concerns definitely let me know in the comment box below and i'll be happy to assist and we will see you guys in the next tutorial peace.

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