iPhone 8 Plus vs iPhone 11 Pro Max - Which Should You Choose?

iPhone 8 Plus vs iPhone 11 Pro Max

iPhone 8 Plus vs iPhone 11 Pro Max - Which Should You Choose?

iPhone 8 Plus vs iPhone 11 Pro Max - Which Should You Choose? The iPhone 11 pro max are currently the oldest and thenewest phones offered from Apple directly at the Apple Store or fromapple.com you can get these new but anything older than the iPhone 8 or 8plus is not available new from Apple you can get it refurbished or used or leftover at other stores that may still have them in stock but the 8 and 1/8 plus isthe oldest that you can currently get so I thought I'd compare it with the 11proMax and in this video I'm going to compare everything from the cameras tospeed to how they are to use battery life and a lot more and if you'd like tojump to a specific point in the video so you want to see how the speed is or howthe battery life is I'll link all of the time codes in the description below soyou can check them out for yourself now the first thing is the price the iPhone8 plus comes in at five hundred and forty nine dollars for the cheaper modelup to five hundred and ninety nine dollars with 128 gigabytes of storage itcomes in space grey silver or gold

iPhone 8 Plus vs iPhone 11 Pro Max

If you decide to go with the iPhone 11 promax it comes in at double the price at 1099 for the base model up to onethousand four hundred and forty nine dollars for 512 gigabytes it's availablein space grey silver gold and a new midnight green now the overall build ofboth phones is a little bit different with the iPhone 8 plus the outside bandhere or the frame is made of aluminum so that makes it feel a little bitdifferent and lighter than that of the 11pro Maxx the iPhone 11 pro max is madeof stainless steel on the outside ring so it gives it a little bit more weightand it's also glass front and back but with the 11pro max you have frostedglass on the back with gloss only around the cameras now the nice thing is withthe 11pro max it does not pick up fingerprints on the back so if you'resomeone like me that doesn't like to use a case that much you won't seefingerprints on the back but with the eight plus

iPhone 8 Plus vs iPhone 11 Pro Max

You definitely will it picksup fingerprints very easily but that's easily solved with a case now this isglass front and back and there are some very big differences with this glass infact the 8 plus has more durable glass when it comesto scratching and it's less durable when it comes to dropping it so after usingthis for quite some time when it first came out I have very little scratchesthere's one right there and that's it that's the only scratch on the displayand that's not really a big deal for using it for about six months with noscreen protector the iPhone 11 pro max is very differentwhile it's more durable and less prone to breaking if you drop it the screen ismuch more prone to scratching very easily and that is why I have a screenprotector on right now after using this for about three months 

iPhone 8 Plus vs iPhone 11 Pro Max

I have a ton ofscratches on it and I'll show you that in a moment but first I want to talkabout our sponsor and that is who makes this screen protector and it's a companycalled shell our US and it's a very unique screen protector you can see it'son here now it doesn't have a single scratch on it and that's because it's a99.99% sapphire this is the first sapphire screen protector I've used andit's super clear in fact you may not have even noticed that it's on here I'lltake it off in just a moment but it has an oleophobic coating just like theiPhone does so you don't see a lot of fingerprints on it and it's truly a 9 onthe Mohs scale so really only something along the lines of a diamond or asapphire is going to scratch this in fact I have a knife here and I can pushthis on the screen as much as I want you won't see a single scratch in fact letme turn the display off you won't see anything I can scratch this all day longwith this knife the tip of this you won't see a thing because it's very verystrong and unless you bump something like a wedding ring or a diamond upagainst the display you're not going to see scratches so let me take this offand while it will prevent some scratches it will not prevent it from shatteringnecessarily but this has zero scratches on it you can see how clear it is andI'll link this in the description below so you can take a look at them yourselfthey're not inexpensive because this is true sapphire it's been on otherchannels as well and they've proved it's sapphire as well so definitely check itout I'll link it in the description below now I've been using that screenprotector for about four days it's been great but underneath it are a ton ofscratch no I don't know if you're going to beable to see it in this light but there are tons of scratches all through hereall across the display something I've never seen before on any iPhone thisiPhone is very prone to scratching lightly now if it's bad enough of courseI could bring it in I have Apple care I could have them swap the display if itgets really bad or I crack the screen but it's just something to keep in mindfor something that costs double it is much more prone to scratching sodefinitely use some sort of screen protector if that's going to bother younow let's talk about the displays themselves because they're verydifferent the iPhone 8 plus has an LCD display and it's a really great LCDdisplay but it's LCD and won't have the deeper blacks that the iPhone 11 pro maxor 11 Pro has so it's a 5.5 inch LCD 1920 by 1080 with 401 pixels per inchit does have 3d touch unlike the 11pro Max so it's pressure sensitive althoughyou do get the same features with the 11pro max this is a pressure-sensitivedisplay as opposed to just pressing and holding so you do get that it goes up toabout 625 minutes of brightness so it is a nice and bright display but it's notas bright as the 11pro max the 11pro max has a 6.5 inch OLED display with HDRit's 2688 by 1242 with a pixel density of 458 pixels per inchit goes up to 800 nits regular brightness and can go brighter than thatwhen it needs to play an HDR movie and it's just an incredibly vibrant andgreat-looking display it does have haptic touch so you can press and holdthat you'll see it's a little bit slower

iPhone 8 Plus vs iPhone 11 Pro Max

Than when I'm using 3d touch it takes alittle bit longer to pop up but it does work just fine it's just somethingthat's not as nice as what we used to have so just keep that in mind nowanother thing to consider with the displays is the iPhone 11 Pro max is anOLED display and Apple uses PWM to control the brightness or a pulse widthmodulation I've covered this in other videos as well but what that basicallymeans is the screen is always flickering to control brightness the faster itflickers the brighter the display will seem soyou lower brightness it will flicker slower and while you can't see this withyour eyes you can see this with a camera and this actually affects about one inten people and it causes headaches it can cause you to feel nauseated andthings like that so I'm actually affected by this but with the elevenPromax they've changed the rate so that it's high enough that it doesn't bothermy eyes prior iPhones with OLED displays such as the iPhone 10 10s and 10's maxactually caused my eyes to have a lot of strain and it gave me headaches thatdoesn't happen with this phone so if you're prone to that just keep that inmind it may bother you but it is much better on the newer phones the 11 Proand Pro max have better refresh rates for that PWM so it doesn't bother youreyes as much but definitely consider that

iPhone 8 Plus vs iPhone 11 Pro Max

If you're looking at both of thesephones now when it comes to unlocking the phone this may be one of the mainreasons you decide to go with the eight plus because this has the touch IDfingerprint sensor whereas we have face ID on the 11pro max now I've become veryaccustomed to face ID it works fine I have no issues with it but if we showspeed here I'll just press this and we're in so normally what you do is youjust pick up your phone and swipe up and you're in your phone but with the eightpro or the eight plus you press and hold and it opens or unlocks the phone so Iknow a lot of people still greatly prefer touch ID or would like the optionof both so if that's something that means a lot to you obviously go with theeight plus you'll be happy with it now let's talk a little bit about the specsinside the eight plus has the a11 Bionic with three gigabytes of RAM and it'splenty fast I'll show you that in a moment and then the iPhone 11 pro maxhas the a 13 Bionic with 4 gigabytes of RAM so even though the RAM is 1 gigabytemore I think you'll see that we have very similar speeds with most things sowhen you're going into everyday apps the App Store that's not going to be a bigdeal they're going to load about the same music is going to be about the sameand intensive apps are also going to be about the same so you're not going tosee a lot of differences as far as loading applicationhowever if you were to edit a 4k video and export it that puts a lot of strainon the processor so I thought I'd show you that in the video now and then afterthat we'll talk about the cameras so let's go ahead and go into iMovie nowI've loaded the same clip into the iMovie timeline and then I've added atitle on top so that it actually has to process this frame by frameit's a 4k video it's the exact same video on both so I'll export this andthis will push these processors pretty hard to export 4k video it takes a whileon my iMac Pro when I'm editing video to actually push this sort of content outso let's see how long it takes on both devices so we'll hit done we'll hit theshare button we'll hit save video and let me bring in a stopwatch here so thatwe can see how long it takes on both so let's go ahead and see if we can hit 4k4k and start and there we go and I'll speed this up so that you can see howlong this takes I would expect it'll take around five minutes or so now both have exported and it did take alittle bit longer on the iPhone 8 plus but I'm not sure that it's worth doublethe price if that's what you're going forneither of these phones are warm on the back at all processing video seems to bepretty easy for them so let's go ahead and close these and let's talk about thecameras now the cameras are where the iPhone 11 Pro max excels and has a lotbetter camera than the 8 plus in certain situations now the back camera on the 8plus is a dual 12 megapixel camera one is a wide-angle lens one is a telephotolens we have an F 1.8 aperture on the wide-angle and enough 2.8 on thetelephoto it records 4k 60 video as well so it's a very capable video camera I'veused it even in more recent videos I've used this or similar cameras to thisknow on the 11 Pro max we also have 12 megapixel cameras but it's an all newsensor we have a wide-angle lens and F 1.8 we have a telephoto F 2.0 and wehave a new ultra wide F 2.4 aperture lenswe now have a night mode they also record in 4k 60

iPhone 8 Plus vs iPhone 11 Pro Max

So what I wanted to doin this video is show you some samples of photos side-by-side some video aswell and then we'll talk about the forward facing cameras Oh cameras are recording in the 1430since that's where the iPhone 8 plus also does its best image processing whenrecording video they're both pretty good but I think the iPhone 11 Promax is justa little bit better depending on what situation you're using it in bothcameras can both record 4k 30 in 2x as well so you'll see we're zoomed inoptically by 2 times then we can just zoom back out the microphones are goodin both of them although the 11pro Max seems to be a little bit better and whenyou're shooting directly it's something like sunlight they both do a good job ofreally adjusting so you can have pretty decent dynamic range now the forwardfacing cameras is where there is a huge difference on the iPhone 8 plus thefront camera is a 7 megapixel camera with an F 2.2 aperture it records in1080p at 30 frames per second so it's okay but it's not incredible on theiPhone 11 Pro max the forward facing camera could be used to vlog it's thatgood it's a 4k camera 12 megapixel F 2.2 aperture that can record in 4k 60it also can do an emoji and emoji if you're into that but it has great videosso let me show you the difference between the two now I'm using theforward facing camera on the 8 plus and the 11pro Max and I think this is whereyou're going to see the biggest difference the 8 plus is in 1080p andupscaled to 4k for this video but you'll see the background isn't as nice thedynamic range isn't as good as on the 11pro max also I think you'll notice adifference in the microphones as I've been switching between both devices sohere's the 11 Pro max microphone it does a good job of eliminating backgroundnoise and the 8 plus is okay but not as good now as far as water resistance orresistance to dirt and dust the iPhone 8 plus is ip67 certified for 1 meter up to30 minutes so it's not bad but the 11pro max is IP 68 certified which means 4meters for 30 minutes they they kind of went to the better side of IP 68 andeven made it ad per depth that it can withstand for 30minutes now that doesn't mean you won't get water in it at all but it is betterprotected than phones that don't have it now battery life is where we see a hugedifference as well with the iPhone 8 plus we have a two thousand six hundredand ninety one milliamp hour battery it's about the same as an iPhone 7 plusand you can expect 5.5 to six hours of screen on time with normal use now ifyou're playing a game or something like that it will be less but this here withthe iPhone 11 pro max Apple has really stepped up the battery size and it'salmost 4,000 milliamp hours it's 3969 milliamp hours it's this will get youabout five hours more battery life than the eight plus and you'll get about 10to 12 hours of screen on time with normal use again that will varydepending on how you use it so that is a huge difference between the two and itsreally nice but you also get a fast charger with the 11pro max in the box soyou can charge it a little bit quicker you can fast charge the eight plus butyou will need to buy the adapter separately now as far as the speakersare concerned there is a very big difference there as well so I'm not sureyou'll be able to hear this but let me play one of my videos for you so you cansort of hear the difference now I have both phones side by side I'll move themicrophone so you can hear the difference between the two of them I'vebeen using primarily on my iPhone 11 Pro mattes this is my main device I've alsoused it on the iPhone 11 which isn't right here now hopefully you could hearthe difference between the speakers of the eight plus and the 11 Pro max the 11Pro max is definitely a lot louder and cleaner at the higher to consider now if you're trying to decide which one topick well you could get to eight pluses for the price of an 11max but you may not want an older display or an LCD display but things toconsider are things like face ID verse touch ID if you like the home buttonobviously go with the 8 plus also the speed doesn't seem to be much of aconsideration here but the cameras are definitely better on the 11pro maxespecially for video and battery life is significantly better on the 11pro maxdue to its huge battery but if those things aren't a big deal for you then ofcourse pick the 8 plus also with both of themthey're both premium devices and I think you'll get years of use with the 8 plusI think it'll be supported for quite a few years still in the future with iOS14 or iOS 15 but right now iOS 13 runs great on so those are all things toconsider let me know what you think in the comments below in which one you'vepicked and why if you still want that home button I would love to see thembring a home button option back as well I know a lot of people that still reallymiss the home button on the 11pro and Promax let me know your thoughts inthe comments below if you'd like to get your hands on this wallpaper of courseI'll link it in the description as.

iPhone 8 Plus vs iPhone 11 Pro Max

I always do and thanks again to shell r usfor sending along the screen protector this is by far the best screen protectorI've ever used I love that you really can't scratch it without some very veryhard Stone's such as a diamond and I'll link  CLICH HERE .