Pokemon GO Spoofing iOS/Android - Play Pokemon GO Without Moving- Pokemon GO Spoofer 2023

Pokemon GO Spoofing iOS/Android - Play Pokemon GO Without Moving- Pokemon GO Spoofer 2021


Pokemon GO Spoofing iOS/Android - Play Pokemon GO Without Moving- Pokemon GO Spoofer 2023

Hey guys what's up as you can see i actually have a modded version of pokemon go because i was so bored of walking everywhere for the pokemon and it was kind of dangerous so i decided to look across the internet for a modded version of the game and i found one and as you can see there's actually a multitude of options in this version of pokemon go so pretty much if you want to download this for yourself you have to go to the settings app on your iphone now i would like to say if you're on an android you don't have to do this but if you're on an iphone you have to go to settings and you have to go to the general section. 

So you find general and you have to go:

So you find general and you have to go to background app refresh and make sure it's turned on now i would like to say as long as background app refresh is turned on you're good to go but if it turns off or if it is turned off you're not going to be able to download the modded pokemon go spoofer so as long as it's on you're able to do that the spoofer's insane so basically guys once it's turned on what you need to do is it go with this crazy website i'm just going to go to my browser and you need to go to this crazy website inject media online so this is the website guys it's not.com it's inject me dot online so it's the only website that currently exists where you can download the pokemon go spoofer so what you want to do is type that url in and all you gotta do is press on go if you're in safari and this website has so much stuff on it that they added a search bar and you can go to the search bar and type in poke and it will bring it up you can see at the bottom pokemon go spoofer it's a spoofer for pokemon go. 

So all we have to do is press on it :

So all we have to do is press on it and then press the orange button that says start injection now once you press on that button what is it is going to do is it's going to download it straight onto your device now guys i would like to say that once this is done you do have to complete a short human verification and all this means is you have to download two apps and run them for at least 30 seconds so pretty much you just have to download two of these apps and run them for at least 30 seconds so i'm going to go ahead and download this app and run it for at least 30 seconds that's all you got to do. 

So i'm going to press the black button that:

So i'm going to press the black button that says tap to install and all i'm going to do is download the app and run it for at least 30 seconds so while it's downloading i am going to go back onto the list of apps and choose a second app to download so i'm going to go with this one fitness and workout same deal all i have to do is download the app and run it for at least 30 seconds now these apps i would like to say they're from the app store you don't have to buy anything in these apps they're completely free so i'm just going to go ahead and i'm going to press on the black button that says tap to install it's going to open in the app store and all you have to do is download this app. 

So what i'm going to do is i'm going:

So what i'm going to do is i'm going to give it a minute for these two apps to download the vpn's already done so i'm just going to go ahead and open it now you can run off and go do something else and leave your phone on for 30 seconds but some people actually like to interact with the app now you can just stay there on the app for 30 seconds uh or you can actually um press on the buttons but don't accidentally buy anything in these apps because you don't have to buy anything if it tills you sign up you don't have to sign up you just need to run the app because that's going to download the spoofer that's going to tell the servers that you've completed the human verification and if they didn't have this feature enabled people would be getting the spoofer left and right and there's some people out there who think that they can make money off people who don't know about the website. 

So what they would do is they would :

So what they would do is they would download the spoofer and they would sell it so doing human verification ensures that doesn't happen and that everyone gets it for free and that robots don't mindlessly download it so basically guys all you have to do is stay on this app for a little bit and then head to your home screen and run the second app now you don't have to do the same two apps i'm doing but you have to run at least two apps there's always going to be at least two apps in your country or region they do vary from region to region so i'm just going to go to my home screen and give it a minute for the fitness and workout app to install now my internet is not the greatest in the world. 

So it does take a little bit but it's not going:

So it does take a little bit but it's not going to take too long so what i'm going to do is i'm going to go ahead and open this app now in the vpn app i didn't really do anything because there wasn't much to do but i've seen this app before and it has a lot of different interactive buttons so i am going to press some of these buttons to complete human verification if you want you can just stay on the app the servers are still going to read it as human verification as long as you spend at least 30 seconds on the app but i'm actually going to interact with the app and press these different buttons because that is a surefire way to make sure i complete the human verification.


So yeah guys that's all you have to do :

So yeah guys that's all you have to do it really isn't that difficult this website is just mind-blowing because pokemon go is a great game but in these dangerous times it's not the best idea to be walking everywhere in the world to find the pokemon especially uh with like masks and stuff but being able being able to just get a spoofer where you can walk anywhere in the world is great 

So guys as you can see thanks to inject media online i actually have a spoofer for pokemon go i'll see you in a future tutorial  peace out.
