Oh everyone so how to use Spotify Web Player so super easy you can open open Spotify dot-com so this is the address just go in your browser is a Chrome Firefox Opera Safari just go there then you will be presented with some select add but then when you try to play you will need to log in so let's login yeah when you try to log in you already should have an account or you can just sign up here so I just sign up here is my username and here it's yeah it's a bit more limited compared to an app but everything works just fine like you can 

I can see my home library I can see search I can see top genres I can see my playlist album artists podcasts I can create a playlist and then there is like just CTI to install an app so there you have it it a bit limited but def like it's it's enough to to listen musics to stream on other devices to go to your queue to go to your account so that's that's that so what they have here on Spotify supports so you can search for artists you can browse feature section you release this access and edit your library you artists pages and it's supported in 

Chrome Firefox edge and opera ok it seems it's not supported on Safari yeah and then if it's not working here some over yeah you can just pause it and yeah so there you have it so compared to this is a desktop app you can see for example how feature is that for example just the menus so you can see you see here home browser radio all this - all the playlists and here yeah so it's more limited kind of what I really like on the stop app is this might for you let's see if it's here yeah you can also see this car weekly everything is here so that's that yeah so that's that's how you access it. 
