HOW TO FIND Secret Warp Pipes in Super Mario 3D World + Nintendo Switch


HOW TO FIND Secret Warp Pipes in Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury for Nintendo Switch

HOW TO FIND Secret Warp Pipes in Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury for Nintendo Switch

Welcome to the Account Builder Website. In past Super Mario titles, there has been the ability to warp and advance worlds as you find secret warp pipes. In this episode, I will be showing you how to find the secret warp pipes in Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury on the Nintendo Switch. As you are reading, if you found this episode to be helpful, I would appreciate a thumbs up. Consider subscribing for more episodes like this coming your way. Alright, let’s get started. 

To find any secret warp pipes, you will need to first obtain the cat suit ability for any character. In my case, I will be using Mario as an example. You can get Cat Mario by playing the first level of World 1 or any level that gives you this ability. Just play through the level and obtain 2 Super Bell power-ups. I suggest you obtain 2, in case you make a mistake and lose its ability by touching an enemy and have a backup in that situation. 

Now, the first secret warp pipe is at “Koopa Troopa Cave”, located in the second level of World 1. Move towards the warp pipe, passing the Koopa Troopa. Head down in the warp pipe and you will enter the underground. Move towards the clear pipe and transverse to the upper floor. Move pass the Koopa Troopa and enter the second clear pipe reaching the other side. Head pass these 2 platforms with a gap in between. Jump down and head towards and into this clear pipe. 

HOW TO FIND Secret Warp Pipes in Super Mario 3D World 

Carefully pass through these 2 moving cloud lift platforms to reach the other side. It does not matter if you pick the upper or lower levels. Move pass the checkpoint flag and you can choose to go on the upper or lower levels. It does not matter which you choose. As you are playing, remember to avoid getting it and losing your cat suit ability, you will need it. Head into the curling clear pipe to reach the other side. 

Here you will notice a long Question Mark Block, there will be 2 invisible ones located right above in a diagonal pattern towards the right. Head to the top floor and you will notice a clear pipe in the wall. This is where you will climb up the wall vertically and you have found the secret warp pipe. Head into the orange warp pipe and an animation will play of your character traveling through the underground of World 1 with a silhouettes owing its progress will play out. With my example, Mario will be popping out reaching World 

2. The next secret warp pipe takes you to “Piranha Creeper Creek”, which is the 2nd level in World 4. Again, you will need the Cat Suit ability from the Super Bell power-up. Carefully move pass the first 3 Piranha Creepers to reach the first step. Move pass the sprawling Piranha Creeper to reach the 3 steps filled with more of them. Head into the green warp pipe by defeating the sleeping Piranha Creeper. You are then transported to the lower level. Move towards the right up the 2 steps and get through the first Piranha Creeper here. 

Bowser's Fury for Nintendo Switch

Then move pass the Warp Box and attack the Piranha Creeper that is blocking your path on these steps. Pass the checkpoint flag, and watch out for the 3 sprawling Piranha Creepers that will come towards you as you pass them. Head into the water with the 3rd Piranha Creeper and coins in vertical formation. Carefully and patiently move towards the right. Avoid touching any part of the 2 underwater Piranha Creepers except its head. Attack its head will open up the path leading you to a green warp pipe. 

Head in and it will transport you to an area with a Roulette Block located on the left wall. This is where you will use your Cat Suit ability to climb up the wall to the upper level. Carefully jump through these moving circular platforms to discover the secret warp pipe. Just head into the orange warp pipe and an animation of your character’s silhouette warping you to the next world will play out taking you to World 5. Well, that’s all there’s to it. Be sure find those secret warp pipes in Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury. 

If you found this article helpful, I would appreciate a thumbs up. Thank you for reading and I will catch you on the next episode.
