Cookie Run Kingdom Discord Full Guide

Cookie Run Kingdom Discord: What is up guys hi once again and I'm coming at you with another content of cooking and kingdom in this tutorial I want to talk about some of the things that I missed as well as some of the things that deaf sisters have actually released on Twitter once again for additional information on what we should be getting on the next update of cooker and kingdom? 

Cookie Run Kingdom Discord

Cookie Run Kingdom Discord

Anyways guys if you guys enjoyed this content don't forget to hit that follow button as well as the like button and don't forget to hit that notification bell so that you don't miss out on any future kingdom tutorial as well as live streams that I do on our website anyways guys with all that out of the way let's get right into the tutorial.

Alright guys so this is just going to be a short tutorial on things that have come out and I just wanted to share with you guys as well as to tell you guys some of the things that I've missed on the last tutorial writing the current Kingdom theory aritcle. okay so, for current Kingdom yesterday I shared this during the live stream but they didn't release a victor right here regarding the new skins that we should be getting and it is regarding Kamioka key as well as Moon Rabbit and Tigerlily so they are really really really beautiful skins right here guys with the winter team it is very similar to how this looked right here guys the concert theme of Carol's right

 but now we have this where it's just a lot of snow winter theme for the next skins that we should be getting into our skin. Gotcha. All right, so it's very very cool. I am super excited to see what it is and I hope that that sisters do add on extra quest as well as events to give out more rainbow cues because it is practically impossible to get them as a free to play players and I want everyone to at least have an opportunity to get one of these skins that they do love because it is going to be awesome to see your cookies fight in battle with more beautiful skins. 

Alright, so going into the next one I just want to talk about kicker and other than break so I did talk about eggnog cookie as well as cocoa cookie right? So they were rare cocoa cookie. Alright, so those are the two cookies that I kind of talked about but a lot of people left down in the comments below that Carol cookie or I do not have her yet but Carol cookie is a possibility as well because it's a carol right it's Christmas coming soon.

 so we could have definitely Carol cookie come out as one of the maybe events gotcha cookie for the next update because if it's going to be Christmas update, might as well have an event gotcha right because we didn't have one ever since Twizy so far. So I think it's time for the assessors to kind of release a events gotcha so I think it might be cool to look at Carol cookie and Carol cookie might be like a healer or another support. 

Hopefully not a support maybe a healer and heals your cookies in battle and hopefully she is as good as Twizy gummy cookie as an event cookie. Alright guys so the last thing I want to talk about in this aritcle regarding the next possible cookie is sugar cookie. 

So this is going to be a spoiler alert for all of those who did not finish the quest yet and did not watch all the story if you do want to watch all this story I did do a tutorial on that and added my reaction to it if you do want to watch that tutorial you guys can read that but I did talk about in that tutorial that may be because of the fact that sugar cookie did come back as a I don't know like a spirit right that we have here that maybe sugar cookie can come as an epic cookie or a special event cookie whatever it is to add into the game to make this story come true right

 we did get frost Queen we got the consequent game might as well just get sugar cookie into this game as well make him like a charge unit or something like that and then allow him to fly across the screen damaging all the cookies whatever it is, it would be awesome but these are going to be the four cookies that I kind of want to say that might come into cooking or kingdom for the next update regarding probably Christmas as well as the holidays and those are going to include eggnog cookie cocoa cookie as well as Carol and maybe sherbet Alright, so those are going to be the cookies that I am suspecting for the next update.

 If you guys have anything else please leave it down in the comments below and let me know hey, I think this cookie might be added to Karen Kingdom or I would like this cookie to be added for the Christmas up the end let me know and then I will look at it and also if I did miss out on a lot then you guys can let me know as well so that I can address it in the future tutorial. 

Anyway guys thanks for reading in this tutorial once again if you guys enjoyed it.