NEW 1.4 Venti & Weapon Banner Details! EPIC 620 ATK Ayaka Sword! | Genshin Impact


NEW 1.4 Venti & Weapon Banner Details! EPIC 620 ATK Ayaka Sword!  Genshin Impact

NEW 1.4 Venti & Weapon Banner Details! EPIC 620 ATK Ayaka Sword! | Genshin Impact

welcome everyone we have five latest new official posts i know right so five of them just came about two minutes ago so let's have a look at this i have opened all the tabs and let's go to the most important one we have the vendi bun i guess as expected as predicted we said it's gonna be razer suckers and noel guess who's right guys hundred percent on the prediction videos we will write about the venti banner and this banner the banner details the banner will start on the patch and the banner will finish until the 6th of april so that how long is that let me quickly count it let's have a look at this so 17th to the 6th of april so that is three weeks so that is 21 days this is a standard banner what that also means is child also reserva will run for 21-inch days so the patch will go for 42 days on patreon point four so just found this information alone we can predict everything and there we go guys sakura's razer and also noel will be on venti's banner and if you have seen our previous prediction videos we're 100 correct this time 

so call this to us right nice nice nice so the character trials will give us pretty much 20 problem gems and that is to be expected so all the other four stars will likely just give us some of the resources of the minerals and let's come to the next one the most important one the primal gems i told you guys there will be a logging event what do we predict in the previous promotion prediction video we calculated about 12 000 promo gems free-to-play promo gems in patch 1.4 and this is one of them it wasn't shown in the live stream and let's have a look at this so when the patch comes out and for about 20 close to 20 days what we can expect is we can expect 300 power gems and we can expect two special kfc recipes this is because of the kfc collaboration event and during the collaborative and during the collaboration event the chinese players were actually going to buy 

the kfc packages for the special wing gliders but for us and i think for most of the players they're also celebrating with a special kfc package in the game so for the characters to eat and also primo gems so 100 on day 3 and also 200 on day 7. so there we go three hundred problem gems and we can expect about twenty primal gems from the first banner and there's more so there's a few more now this one's to be expected the battle pass the wind blossom event details so the battle pass is quite standard nothing has changed with this battle pass the weapons look the same as previously for the battle pass weapons now you will be getting a special name card if you do purchase the battle pass i do believe that it's only different because with each battle pass there will be a special name card and this one is the traveler's notice so this one is the wit blue the name card so let's come to the next one now coming on to the next one what we can see is this is going to be the 

special hangout event the store requests preview so for this particular event what is more interesting is we know that venture level 26 we know that we need the commission keys now what's more interesting is you have to finish the archon quest to proceed with this event so if you want to play the dating event right away you should be playing the art conquest and finish the by the act 3 the song of dragon and freedom once you have finished the icon quest you can play this hangout event now i don't remember have we finished this one maybe we have finished this one so this is the new icon quest or is this old car conquest but regardless we'll find out once the patch comes out now let's keep going so over here we also have a wish particular banner for the weapons as we saw 

in the official patch notes we can see the particular weapon and also the sword so the five-star weapon is gonna be the special venti bowl and the 5 star sword is going to be the sky wood blade i'm sure most of us want the bow but keep in mind guys the rate for the bow might not be very high maybe it's about one to three so three chance of getting the sword and one chance of getting the bow so be aware of this because we have made a small calculation of estimation on the weapons banner and if you haven't seen that video i do recommend have a look at that now if we keep going we can see the four-star exclusive event exclusive notice they will meant event exclusive so you won't be able to get those weapons anywhere else after so that is going to be the alifash and also one of sun so those are two of the catalyst and also the particular sword after that there is also the fenris grade sword the feneris worble and also the dragon bank so same as before if you do not get those particular four-star items on this banner they won't appear for

NEW 1.4 Venti & Weapon Banner Details

 a long time likely over six months because every round for venti will happen um about six months so the reward for venti happened after six months and we can expect reruns for maybe exclusive weapons after six months now there were also a new post over here that just came out so this one shows the details of the new weapons so let's have a look at this one with max level 90 the new five staple will give 51 55.1 percent of the energy gain and also 608 so this is a really good stats for energy gain for fenty after that you will be giving the increase of elemental mastery for those that use the bow and this will also create the sigil so as we spoke about this earlier we'll be gaining sigil every 0.2 seconds when hitting the enemy and after getting four sigils you will be increasing the particular elemental mastery and also attack by 20 percent and i do believe this is for 

all nearby party members so this is a very powerful ventibal for a massive energy gain with 60 enemies to mastery for 20 and also additional 100 mm mastery and 20 bonus attack for the entire team and this stats will be doubled i believe once you have sent or refund this one to the maximum level but of course guys just having the ball is good enough i i don't really think about you know going for weapons to the max level because those weapons are a little hard to get and on the next one this is a free weapon we get with 165 animal demonstrate bonus for the secondary stats 510 base attack and the special bonus is after using elemental skill receive a boom from the particular buff your attack will be increased by 16 percent because we can get this build refined to the maximum level so 32 for this bow for the bonus attack so basically this can be a really good child bow this could be a really good ventiball if you're going for the elemental masteries with elemental combos now keep going we have the right one and sun this one increased elemental energy this will 

increase energy to recharge by 30.6 percent and base attack 506 what this allows you to do is hitting opponent with normal attack decrease the stamina consumption of sprint and all that mono special sprint and this will also allow you casting sprint will allow you to increase your attack by twenty percent so a little tongue twister over here this is a special mono weapon if you're dashing around with mono a lot because you know she's got a special sprint other than that you can consider with suckers for more energy gain but suckers want more elemental mastery which we'll talk about here very soon and also the increased attack is not bad for the offensive characters maybe clique can use this one so let me know what you guys think about this one it's a little strange the adi flash is quite nice i believe because look at the base attack 620 if you compare this one with a five star weapon only 608 so this is an insanely high base attack item with 55 under the mastery what's more special is the increased damage dropped by the character equipped this weapon by 12 so if you take damage you'll lose this bonus this bonus can stack up to 24

 if you have seen this one i'll refund this one to level five now if you have a shielding character or multiple shooting character there's only diana multiple characters like those you can take advantage of this this can be the ayaka weapon we have talked about this weapon before so this can be an incredibly powerful ayaku weapon for the high base attack elemental mastery for the elemental combos with melt and also the bonus damage build is really powerful so let me know what you think about those items guys so we have the latest information over here so usually we'll have a look at the read up characters in the new banners those so let's have a look at the razer noel and also sakuras i have made a recording for noah before thinking that she'll come on the previous manner so we'll have that ready let's have a look at razer and cycles and also know how for razer's case he is a electric dps which deals a lot of physical damage when you cast his best ultimate he will be gaining additional attack speed and also dealing electro damage along his normal attack now if you get him to higher concentrations razer will reduce enemies 

defense by 15 with cartridge 4 dealing additional damage with country 36 and also increase critical rate with concision 2. razer is a very powerful character and he wants to be casting his ulti as quickly as he can so having venti or someone provides more mana game or more energy gain is really good so you're going to see the theme of those characters they want to be gaining energy this is the case for noel this is the case for a lot of characters so for reese's case he can also gain more energy for his venti and razer also provides us with stamina reduction which can be really good for exploring now coming over to soccer's well what can i say about soccer guys she is one of the best animal support very on par with venti her best ultimate is very similar to venti and she can create elemental absorptions those elemental absorptions will give you a special effect especially at khan6 which allows you to do your 20 more elemental damage sakura's is great with one cancellation because her e spells now gets a second charge so that means you can be gaining more 

enemy and nemo particles as she casts her spells 15 seconds with two charges is actually really good after that sakuras is one of the must have supporting characters for the 10 chance to double the product this saves a lot of reason and a lot of time and finally as you go through suckers you can see that what you can do is concentration one cycle is good enough and if you do get her to constitution six she can be a must-have character on most of the teams because not only does she provide elemental bonus damage she also increased the team's elemental mastery and also increased the team's element of mastery by even further so the higher element of mastery you have the higher the team can do damage and this is how people get to five five hundred thousand you know half a million or even too many damage with the best component with the burst combination with melt and also the vaporized effect so usually people go to suckers and they'll battle for the animal to mastery and also the boneless damage now coming over to noel so a lot of us know about noel she is the starter characters and similarly to give us a small clip of how 

strong nora can be we come back to our noaa guide so let myself do the talking over here to explain how noel works and the team for noel as a dps character coming over to the second noel preview clip on this one what you're going to see is you're going to see a few of the supporting characters you're going to see burnett you're going to see chunyun and you're going to see mona those characters are here to support noel for her to do more damage as you can see here after getting all the support buffs she is now hitting for over fifteen thousand twenty thousand aoe attacks the key part is actually makes her you know a very very powerful dps character and this is actually the floor 12 of the spiral abuse you can see the monsters levels are really high compared to the current character level you can also see that the noise right now is level 90. to give us a better understanding of what is happening chiron can buff noel's attack speed with his e-spell and also bennett can buff her attack with his ultimate and finally when you switch into noise you can do a

 lot more damage with all those buffs stacked up here we saw another 20 000 aoe attack and those monsters on floor 12 is dying super fast notice how in this particular build he used chuion and also he used bennett so a lot of the easy found or the easy access of the four-star characters can be very powerful with noel which is also four star so this is quite nice and this is the dps noir build she can also be a wonderful defensive and also a paladin support and she is one of the most durable character in the game she has a shield she has innate healing and also she builds into defense that makes her very powerful because she's like a paladin you heal you do damage you also protect your allies so in that sense when do you use noise support when do you use her as a dps it's quite straightforward with the dps card you have to get her to constitute 6 to consider the dps because 50 of her additional defense is converting to attack and this is massive because with her best

 ultimate she gains about 40 percent of the attack bonus depending on her defense so she builds purely into defense critical rate critical damage and energy gain and by having additional fifty percent of this she gains a massive damage increase now there is no need for us to always aim for constituent six snowy with huta on the team we really do want someone on the supportive set with a shield and noel is a very common character with a good shield because she builds into defense her shield will be scaling higher with defense and this is really nice and laura can also hear a little bit when she attacks the focus on the shielding and supporting with noyo is very nice because she have a very hidden spell with a devotion so one character of hp falls before under 30 which is not often for other players or other characters but very often for huta she will protect us with a shield and this shield also deals damage and absorbs damage so this is really good although it happens every minute or 60 seconds you can use this one to protect hotel even when putau is on the field and noah is not on the field so this is an automatic trigger and devotion can make 

this particular support for huta viable i'm not saying she's gonna be the best support because we have zomli we have you know we have a lot of shielding characters like diana but this can work with noel and you don't even need constituents of here so no talents can work with futo and those are quite defensive but we also saw in the clip how offensive noah can be with additional attack we do have a pretty good guide video on noel if you guys are interested so this one's quite nice and nora works well with zone d this is before the geo buff after the geo buff they work wonderfully well with lower enemies resistance and normal attack of geo lowering more resistance of geo which is very powerful now if you found this video helpful make sure you subscribe and also turn the little bell on for the latest news i'll be looking towards to make more builds guides tips and news and even updates for us as we come further into the game and as always i wish you guys the best of luck with catching and have the most fun in exploring this wonderful world.
